Seguin Guns vs Gun Pawn Shops
Here are some facts that make us better than gun pawn shops and other gun dealers... Seguin Guns is a great alternative to pawn shops. You'll get fair, honest and friendly service, along with very competitive pricing... and the best operating hours around!
We open EVERY day from 7am to 11pm. Some people with crazy schedules can only buy and sell guns early in the morning or late at night, that's when the lower paying gun shops and pawn shops are closed. Seguin Guns and Ammo also offers emergency cash service, 7 days a week, 365 days a year.
When you sell guns at a gun pawn shop, their pay outs are minimal. They are certainly a lot less than what we offer for your guns. Or, if someone decides to pawn their firearm, pawn shops charge a very high interest rate. Our business model and low overhead enables us to get you more cash and that's the bottom line!
Buying a gun from a pawn shop can be a risky business, not to mention, the prices for pawn shop guns are frequently close to retail, so you wouldn't really be saving money.
We are here to help, with the economy the way it is, and how hard people are struggling to make ends meet, we get that it's tough for them to leave work to sell firearms to help pay their bills. As it is, many people are working two jobs and sometimes the only time they can get off is late at night. These people are inspiring because they're supporting their families by any means possible and the least we can do to support them and let them know that we care is to have our doors open and plenty of cash WHEN they need it.
Just like gun pawn shops; we buy all types of firearms, guns, pistols, revolvers, shotguns, rifles, and we also buy gold, silver and coins.
So stop by Seguin's newest and finest gun shop located in Seguin, Texas at 3552 Alternate 90E. or call us. You'll be glad you did!